Days out diary - child friendly and family activities

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Unfortunately due to financial difficulties the Coventry City Farm has now closed down. See more children farms on Days Out Diary website.

Coventry City Farm, HensAfter my post yesterday on Cov'06 Be a part of it today, I followed my own advice and went along to one of the events listed in the guide. The event was the Coventry City Farm Fun Day.

Coventry City Farm is a small community farm run by volunteers. Although listed in the Cov'06 events the farm is not funded by the City Council and relies on donations to keep running. The Fun Day is a way of raising money, encouraging people to come along to the farm, where there some stalls, rides, and punch and judy show, as well as an opportunity to see the animals.

Coventry City Farm, GoatUnfortunately the weather was not particularly good, and it was raining quite heavily when I visited, although the weather did improve after I had left. The farm is quite small, but has a few different animals. They certainly put a smile on my babies face.

The facilities were quite basic, but it did include a baby changing facility inside a disabled toilet, and a shop. It was possible to get around the site with a pushchair with no major problems. I had to take our baby out of the pushchair to see the sheep, which were indoors for the day; the reason I had to take her out of the pushchair was partly so that she could see, and partly that it was very busy because of the fun day.

As well as the animals there is also a good children's play area.

The farm is open to the public throughout the year (open during the week and weekend), and is free of charge. Although they do suggest a £1 adult / 50p child donation to help cover the running costs.

It was worth going to the fun day, despite the bad weather. I do hope to go back again soon on a normal day where it will be easier to view the animals. Hopefully the weather will be better too.

The farm is at 1 Clarence Street in Hillfields, Coventry. If parking near the farm you need to ensure that no valuables are left on view as it's not a particularly safe area to park your cars. Notices had been posted at the farm to warn visitors of this.